General Information
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia - 1954 – 2023
Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia , Curitiba - PR - Brazil
ISSN 0085-5626, CDU 595.7
Trimestral, Volumes 1 – 66
Indexed by: Abstracts of Entomology, Biological Abstracts, Bioresearch Index, Bulletin Signalitique, CAB Abstracts, Current Contents - ABES - Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, Entomological Abstracts, LATINDEX, LILACS, Referatvnyi Zhurnal, Scientific Eletronic Library Online - SciELO, Science Citation Index - ISI, The Zoological Record. Publication available on SciELO.
The Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (RBE), a publication of the Brazilian Society of Entomology (SBE), publishes original scientific papers in the field of Entomology, traditionally accepted in peer-reviewed journals. RBE may occasionally publish sections featuring invited perspectives or reviews as determined by the Editorial Committee.
Up to 2022, 66 volumes of RBE have been published.
Publication fees for manuscripts received after January 1, 2021, are based on the nationality of the corresponding author and their affiliation with the Brazilian Society of Entomology (SBE), regardless of the number of pages published. Brazilian authors who are SBE members will be charged R$ 650.00, provided that at least one of the authors is a SBE member. Foreign authors who are SBE members will be charged $150.00, provided that at least one of the authors is a SBE member. If none of the authors are SBE members, the publication fee will be R$ 1,500.00 for Brazilian authors and $300.00 for foreign authors. Please note that promotional rates only apply if SBE member authors are up-to-date with their annual membership dues.
SciELO: Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Foto: Frederico Falcão Salles